
EP13- intro

Episode 13


EP13- intro

Episode 13

By now you should be rather comfortable with meditation and you want to grow deeper! Perhaps you want to more often without thoughts… this episode can help with that because we will cover the Agnya chakra which is responsible for our thinking!


EP13- speech

The Agnya is the narrow gate which, when open, allows our Kundalini to ascend to the limbic area of the brain. It is the chakra of forgiveness, humility and compassion. Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit. Once we start to see that – by not forgiving others we are actually doing no harm to anyone other than ourselves – we start to realize that it is not only wise and generous to forgive but also very practical and pragmatic.

EP13- speech

The Agnya is the narrow gate which, when open, allows our Kundalini to ascend to the limbic area of the brain. It is the chakra of forgiveness, humility and compassion. Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit. Once we start to see that – by not forgiving others we are actually doing no harm to anyone other than ourselves – we start to realize that it is not only wise and generous to forgive but also very practical and pragmatic.


EP13- about

The embodiment of forgiveness was Christ who, whilst being crucified by the Romans, said “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” He also gave a powerful mantra - “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”. Forgiveness melts away all our ego and conditioning, our false ideas of racism and nationalism, and our misidentifications.

EP13- about

The embodiment of forgiveness was Christ who, whilst being crucified by the Romans, said “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” He also gave a powerful mantra - “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”. Forgiveness melts away all our ego and conditioning, our false ideas of racism and nationalism, and our misidentifications.