What is Self Realisation?
In it’s simplest form, self realisation is the awakening of a motherly, spiritual energy known as Kundalini that exists within every human being.
When awakened, our Kundalini energy lifts our attention above our thoughts and puts us into a state of “thoughtless awareness” which is the state of true meditation.
Treat this process as an experiment, keep an open mind and follow along with the steps described in the following video:
What just happened?
In addition to our physical body, we also have a subtle, spiritual body which encompasses the essence of our being: everything that makes us who we are.
Our physical body is a mere vessel for the spiritual body. Throughout history, many great people, from the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, to ancient philosopher, Lao Tzu, have attempted to examine and explain the intricacies of this unseeable and unmeasurable part of our being.
They have given different names to its different aspects, including anima, persona, Tao, Rooh, Collective Unconscious, individuation, chakras, nadis, etc.
At the base of this subtle body, a dormant energy of pure desire known as Kundalini resides in the sacrum bone.
A person in whom the Kundalini is not spiritually active can be compared to a seed. Given the right conditions, Mother Earth has the power to naturally sprout a seed. In the same way, under suitable circumstances, the Kundalini within all of us can be spontaneously awakened by an authorised person.
This will start a living process in the awareness of the person whose Kundalini has been awakened and will lead to their spiritual growth.
This spontaneous awakening of Kundalini is referred to as ‘self realisation’.
During the initial process of self realisation, Kundalini rises up and pierces through the six subtle energy centres (or chakras) which are positioned in the spinal column and the brain.
Human beings have seven major energy centres which govern different aspects of their being. The first chakra is positioned below the Kundalini and supports her rising.
Through her ascent, Kundalini nourishes and relaxes your subtle energy centres, lifts your attention above your thoughts and makes you thoughtless. At that moment, there are no thoughts of past and future and you are completely immersed in the ‘now’, simply witnessing the continuous flow of existence.
This state of thoughtless awareness, which is effortlessly achieved when the Kundalini rises and pierces through the seventh chakra, is what true meditation is.
During meditation stresses and bothersome thoughts of daily life drop away and we can feel the ‘all-pervading power of Divine love’ as a flow of cool breeze on the palms of the hands and the cool breeze of Kundalini can be felt flowing from the top of the head. Furthermore, we can feel the state of our own chakras and subtle body as various sensations on our fingertips.
This self-knowledge gives us a deeper understating of our personality, and our strengths and weaknesses. It reveals a new aspect of our being which we may have previously never been aware of.
Shri Mataji explains the qualities of all the energy centres and how you can improve your subtle system and deepen your personal experience of meditation in Her detailed lectures. In this way, many people who follow Her teachings of Sahaja Yoga observe tangible improvements in every aspect of their lives.
For over 40 years, Shri Mataji travelled the world and, in countless lectures, shared the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga and gave self realisation to all seekers of truth – without ever charging any money. And now Sahaja Yoga is practiced by millions of individuals all over the world.
People practice Sahaja Yoga for various reasons. Some individuals are only interested in relaxation and calming their busy minds, some people may be interested in health benefits associated with meditation while others are looking for a deeper meaning in their lives.
For many individuals, Sahaja Yoga is an ever-evolving journey that brings new meaning as they move through different stages of their life. But for everyone who decides to commit themselves to this spiritual practice, it becomes a blissful voyage of self-discovery!
There are many people all over the world who regularly practice Sahaja Yoga meditation and in weekly meetings, teach people the techniques of Sahaja Yoga, free of charge.
If you want to deepen your experience and get the most out of this meditation technique, please feel free to attend your local Sahaja Yoga meeting.