
EP5- intro

Episode 5


EP5- intro

Episode 5

In this episode we will cover the first Chakra in our subtle system and try to explain some of its aspects and qualities and how it affects our daily lives.


EP5- speech

Situated below the sacrum bone, the awakened Mooladhara Chakra gives us innocence and wisdom. Innocence gives us joy without the limitations of conditioning and prejudice, a quality that can be found in small children. This quality diminishes as we grow up and develop a sense of ego and selfish desires. Fortunately, this innate innocence is never destroyed and can return to us by practicing Sahaja Yoga. It is like the sun which is obscured by the clouds of our ego but which shines again after the clouds pass.

EP5- speech

Situated below the sacrum bone, the awakened Mooladhara Chakra gives us innocence and wisdom. Innocence gives us joy without the limitations of conditioning and prejudice, a quality that can be found in small children. This quality diminishes as we grow up and develop a sense of ego and selfish desires. Fortunately, this innate innocence is never destroyed and can return to us by practicing Sahaja Yoga. It is like the sun which is obscured by the clouds of our ego but which shines again after the clouds pass.


EP5- about

In India the elephant headed God, Shri Ganesha, is worshipped as the essence of innocence and wisdom. He has the body of a child, symbolizing innocence, and the head of an elephant, symbolizing wisdom.

EP5- about

In India the elephant headed God, Shri Ganesha, is worshipped as the essence of innocence and wisdom. He has the body of a child, symbolizing innocence, and the head of an elephant, symbolizing wisdom.