right side and s.png

EP8- intro

Episode 8


EP8- intro

Episode 8

After desire comes the action! Hence in this episode we talk about the right channel, the energy channel which fuels our activities and thinking!

right side and s.png

EP8- speech

The Swadhisthan chakra moves like a satellite around the Nabhi chakra and the Void and provides us with our sense of aesthetics, art, music and our appreciation and connection with nature. It looks after our digestive organs and provides us with the dynamic energy to do physical, mental and creative work.

EP8- speech

The Swadhisthan chakra moves like a satellite around the Nabhi chakra and the Void and provides us with our sense of aesthetics, art, music and our appreciation and connection with nature. It looks after our digestive organs and provides us with the dynamic energy to do physical, mental and creative work.


EP8- about

Right side, also known as Rajo guna, or the sun channel, is the channel that looks after our right sympathetic nervous system and provides energy for our creativity, our rational mind, futuristic thoughts, and our physical energy and dynamism. As human beings we can be prone to right side problems such as egotistical and dominating behavior, arrogance, pride, anger, hatred, lust and stress. A simple solution to an overheated right side is to put ice on the liver and do cold footsoaking.

EP8- about

Right side, also known as Rajo guna, or the sun channel, is the channel that looks after our right sympathetic nervous system and provides energy for our creativity, our rational mind, futuristic thoughts, and our physical energy and dynamism. As human beings we can be prone to right side problems such as egotistical and dominating behavior, arrogance, pride, anger, hatred, lust and stress. A simple solution to an overheated right side is to put ice on the liver and do cold footsoaking.