Episode 10
Episode 10
After desire comes the action and after action, comes the perfection! The last energy channel we are going to cover in these series is the central channel!
Central chanel, also known as Sattva guna, is the nadi of our evolution and equilibrium. It looks after our autonomous nervous system which deals with ‘automatic’ actions such as the beating of the heart and our digestion – things which our body does for us even though we are not aware of how it is done.
Central chanel, also known as Sattva guna, is the nadi of our evolution and equilibrium. It looks after our autonomous nervous system which deals with ‘automatic’ actions such as the beating of the heart and our digestion – things which our body does for us even though we are not aware of how it is done.
As our attention moves to the Sushumna, our human awareness evolves and our attention gradually stops swinging like a pendulum from the past to the future, from the Ida nadi to the Pingala nadi, from sadness to happiness, from lethargy to over-activity, and remains always in the center, in the present moment. Our awareness becomes peaceful and our nerves bubble with joy.
As our attention moves to the Sushumna, our human awareness evolves and our attention gradually stops swinging like a pendulum from the past to the future, from the Ida nadi to the Pingala nadi, from sadness to happiness, from lethargy to over-activity, and remains always in the center, in the present moment. Our awareness becomes peaceful and our nerves bubble with joy.