Episode 11
Episode 11
In this episode we will cover the heart chakra and tell you a little bit about elements in sahaja yoga!
Within the Heart chakra resides the Self, the Spirit, the Atma. The Spirit manifests when our heart is open, at which point we feel the pure joy of creation and the meaning and purpose of our place in it. The quality of the Heart chakra is pure, unconditional love. Before our realization we rarely love unconditionally, but expect something in return. We mistake feelings of love for physical attraction, infatuation and selfishness. We love our children because they are ‘ours’ but do not love other children in the same way. Often we expect something back from them later in life as a repayment for our love. Love that expects is emotional attachment. Pure love has no motive, it emanates from the Spirit and not from the body or mind.
Within the Heart chakra resides the Self, the Spirit, the Atma. The Spirit manifests when our heart is open, at which point we feel the pure joy of creation and the meaning and purpose of our place in it. The quality of the Heart chakra is pure, unconditional love. Before our realization we rarely love unconditionally, but expect something in return. We mistake feelings of love for physical attraction, infatuation and selfishness. We love our children because they are ‘ours’ but do not love other children in the same way. Often we expect something back from them later in life as a repayment for our love. Love that expects is emotional attachment. Pure love has no motive, it emanates from the Spirit and not from the body or mind.
The Heart chakra also manifests in the head at the fontanelle bone (the ‘Brahmarandhra pitha’, of the Sahastrara chakra) so it’s important to keep our heart chakra clean, as this is the entry point to the super consciousness, where the Kundalini escapes from the subtle system and unites us with the Paramchaitanya - the All Pervading Power of divine love.
The Heart chakra also manifests in the head at the fontanelle bone (the ‘Brahmarandhra pitha’, of the Sahastrara chakra) so it’s important to keep our heart chakra clean, as this is the entry point to the super consciousness, where the Kundalini escapes from the subtle system and unites us with the Paramchaitanya - the All Pervading Power of divine love.