• Warner Hall, Merthyr Road Uniting Church (map)
  • 52 Merthyr Road
  • New Farm, QLD, 4005
  • Australia

Meditation with live music

Saturday 14th March
07:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Warner Hall, Merthyr Road Uniting Church
52 Merthyr Road, New Farm Qld 4005

From eliminating stress to finding inner peace, many now know the benefits of meditation but lack the motivation or the opportunity to start. That is why we offer free meditation classes in communities across the country.

If you are new to meditation and want to start, our music and meditation event at Merthyr Road Uniting Church is perfect for you! This is a free event where you can learn the basics of meditation accompanied by a live music performance.

No Fees
Register Now!


About Meditation

Originated in ancient cultures and backed by modern research, meditation may be popular among the masses but what does it actually mean?
Meditation is the state of thoughtless awareness where we are neither thinking about the future nor the past and it happens when our attention is united with the present moment. Being free from the unwanted thoughts, worries, stresses and anxieties, we become mentally and emotionally balanced, develop better relationships and perform better at work or studies.
To help us get into meditation, we all have a subtle, built-in mechanism inside us which, if activated at the right time and by the right person, can lift our attention above our thoughts and make us thoughtlessly aware. In Sahaja Yoga classes you will not only get this experience, but will also gradually learn the required knowledge and techniques to explore your inner self and will eventually become your own master!