• Cooloola Cove Veterans Hall (map)
  • 1 Santa Maria Court
  • Cooloola Cove, QLD, 4580
  • Australia

Free Meditation Workshop at Cooloola Cove Veterans hall

Starting 24th of April
10:00AM to 12:00PM
1 Santa Maria Court, Cooloola Cove QLD, 4580

This is a perfect opportunity for you to learn the basics of meditation in a relaxed and friendly environment! Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes and workshops are always free of charge and require no previous experience. And if you are experienced with meditation, we can ensure you that Sahaja Yoga is unlike anything that you have experienced before!

So feel free to join us if you are interested in meditation, want to learn more about yourself, or simply want a few minutes of peace and silence in your busy life!


About Meditation


Originated in ancient cultures and backed by modern research, meditation may be popular among the masses but what does it actually mean?
Meditation is the state of thoughtless awareness where we are neither thinking about the future nor the past and it happens when our attention is united with the present moment. Being free from the unwanted thoughts, worries, stresses and anxieties, we become mentally and emotionally balanced, develop better relationships and perform better at work or studies.
To help us get into meditation, we all have a subtle, built-in mechanism inside us which, if activated at the right time and by the right person, can lift our attention above our thoughts and make us thoughtlessly aware. In Sahaja Yoga classes you will not only get this experience, but will also gradually learn the required knowledge and techniques to explore your inner self and will eventually become your own master!