• University of Southern Queensland (map)
  • West St
  • Darling Heights, QLD, 4350
  • Australia

Free Meditation Session
USQ library, Room TW R234

Friday 9th August
9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

From eliminating stress to finding inner peace, many now know the benefits of meditation but lack the motivation or the opportunity to start. That is why we are offering a free meditation session at USQ!

With Meditation we reach the state of thoughtless awareness where we are fully immersed in the present moment. Being free from the unwanted thoughts, worries, stresses and anxieties, we become mentally and emotionally balanced, develop better relationships and perform better at work or studies.

In this meditation session you will learn the basics of meditation in a relaxed and friendly environment. You will leave empowered to meditate on your own and can almost immediately enjoy its benefits. So feel free to join us if you are interested in meditation, want to learn more about yourself, or simply want a few minutes of peace and silence in your busy life!

No Fees
No Booking Required